
1. diving (n.) 潛水
潛水又分成浮潛snorkeling和深潛scuba diving。
wetsuit (n.) 防寒衣
snorkel (n.)呼吸管
dive mask (n.)面鏡
fins (n.) 蛙鞋
scuba gloves (n.)潛水手套
diving boots(n.)潛水鞋
cylinder /scuba tank(n.)氣筒
regulator (n.) 調節器
2. water skiing (n.) 滑水
water skiing boats (n.) 滑水船
water skis (n.) 滑水板
water ski rope (n.) 滑水繩
wetsuit (n.) 防寒衣
lifejacket (n.) 救生衣
3. parasailing (n.) 水上拖曳傘
harness (n.)背帶;繫具
winch rope (n.) 絞繩
parasail canopy (n.)拖曳傘
4. surfing/windsurfing/kitesurfing(n.) 衝浪/玩風帆/風箏衝浪
bridle (n.)繫帶
wetsuit (n.)防寒衣
leash (n.)繩索;鏈子
surfboard fin (n.)衝浪板尾舵
5. canoeing (n.) 划獨木舟
canoe (n.) 獨木舟
paddle (n.) 船槳
Personal Flotation Device(PFD) (n.) 水上救生漂浮用具
lifejacket (n.) 救生衣
6. rafting (n.) 泛舟
whitewater rafting (n.)急流泛舟
rafting boat (n.) 小艇;小筏
helmet (n.) 頭盔
paddles (n.) 船槳
drysuit (n.) 乾式潛水衣
rescue throw bags (n.) 救援投擲包
7. standup paddling (n.) 站立式划槳衝浪
Stand Up Paddle(SUP) (n.) 划槳
standup paddleboard (n.) 立槳衝浪板;槳板
standup paddleboard leash (n.) 繫繩
8. swimming (n.) 游泳
swimsuit (n.)泳衣
swim shorts/ water shorts/ swim trunks (n.)泳褲(四角型居多)
speedos/ swim briefs (n.) 緊身泳褲(三角形,比賽選手會穿)
cap (n.)泳帽
goggles (n.)蛙鏡
swim ring (n.)游泳圈
swim seat (n.)游泳圈(坐式的)
armbands (n.)戴在手臂上的泳圈,通常給小孩戴
kickboard (n.)浮板
life jacket (n.)救生衣
lifebuoy (n.)救生圈
Scuba Singapore. (2018). 9 Basic Scuba Diving Equipment That You Need | Scuba Singapore - Scuba Singapore. [online] Available at: https://www.scuba.com.sg/2017/01/17/9-basic-scuba-diving-equipment-that-you-need/ [Accessed 25 Jul. 2018].
Nall, T. (2018). What Equipment Is Needed for Water Skiing? | Trails.com. [online] Trails.com. Available at: https://www.trails.com/list_6822_what-equipment-needed-water-skiing.html [Accessed 25 Jul. 2018].
Surf & Sun. (2018). Surfing Tip: Introduction to Surfing Gears and Accessories. [online] Available at: https://www.surfandsun.com.au/blog/2017/surfing-tip-introduction-to-surfing-gears-and-accessories.php [Accessed 25 Jul. 2018].
ThoughtCo. (2018). Canoe Equipment Needed to Get Started. [online] Available at: https://www.thoughtco.com/the-essential-canoe-equipment-2555560 [Accessed 25 Jul. 2018].
Alp Aksu Boat Builder. (2018). Parasailing Equipment. [online] Available at: https://www.alp-aksu.com/parasailing-equipment.html [Accessed 25 Jul. 2018].