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【用英文怎麼說】除了I know可以這樣說!5個替代用法讓你英文再升級!

【用英文怎麼說】除了I know可以這樣說!5個替代用法讓你英文再升級!


:I know, I know 我知道


:I know,我當然知道呀!

厭煩一直說I know嗎?還是覺得說I know沒創意?


《五個I KNOW代替說法》

 I get(got) you



: Amy, I cannot have dinner with you tomorrow.

: Oh no, why not? I was super looking forward to it.

: I am so sorry. I just got the call from my boss that I need to go on a business trip tomorrow.

: I get it. No worries! We’ll hang out when you come back.





 I see where you're coming from




: Brenda, why have you been late for class often these days?

: I just broke up with my ex, and I haven’t gone through it yet. That’s why I cannot sleep well recently.

: I see where you’re coming from, but you must try to get back on track. Why don’t you take a day-off today to clear your mind?

: I appreciate it. I will try my best.





 I hear you




: I cannot bear with my flatmate anymore! She never does the chores, and always makes noises at midnight.

: I hear you. It is terrible! How about having a talk with her directly?

: It is useless. I think I need to move out soon.




Of course

說of course時,是表示你完全同意說話者所講的事物,



: I’ve been pretty stressed these days for my work and the pandemic. I need my holidays! 

: Of course! Only 5 more days then you can enjoy your trip to Yilan.

: You’re right!




I know what you mean



: Hey, Linda, are you alright? You look so tired.

: Indeed. My daughter had a fever yesterday, so I was up all night to look after her.

: I know what you mean. Last time when my son got the flu, I was doing the same thing too! I hope your daughter will recover soon.

: Thank you!









ABA English. 5 ways to say "I don't know". [Online]. [Accessed April 20, 2020] 

Available: https://blog.abaenglish.com/5-other-ways-to-say-i-understand/