
3. Rated as one of the top restaurants of the city, this steak house is highly ______ to visitors by the tourism bureau.
(A) encountered 遇見 (B) recommended 推薦 (C) outnumbered 超過 (D) speculated 猜測
但是小編要跟大家介紹一些常常和highly 搭配的用詞:
► highly (un)likely 極(沒)有可能的
► highly controversial 極具爭議的
► highly (un)usual 極(不)尋常的
► highly effective 極有效的
4. The manager ______ agreed to rent his apartment to me. Even though the agreement was not put in writing, I am sure he will keep his word.
(A) barely 幾乎不 (B) stably 穩定地 (C) verbally 口頭上地 (D) massively 大規模地
這題可以從後面 not put in writing 以及 keep his word推敲出來。
《補充》keep one's word 遵守承諾
5.For Jerry, practicing yoga three times a week is a relaxing ______ from his tight work schedule.
(A) diversion 分散 (B) medication藥物 (C) nuisance 麻煩事 (D) fulfillment 成就
divert sb. from sth. 是一個固定用法,所以如果沒有注意到from,
12. According to scientists, personal space involves certain invisible forces imposed on you through all the ___ . For example, people may feel their space is being invaded when they experience an unwelcome sound, smell, or stare.
(A) angles 角度 (B) events 事件 (C) senses 感官 (D) regions 地區
所以這一題的答案是 senses,你答對了嗎?
《補充》five senses 五感
13. In certain situations such as in crowded subway cars or elevators, it is not always possible for people to keep their ____ distance from others.
(A) prefer (B) preferring (C) preferred (D) being preferred
19. ____ being hailed as one of the crucial figures in defeating the Nazis, Turing was convicted of “gross indecency.”
(A) Because of 因為 (B) Instead of 而沒有、而不是 (C)In addition to 除了 (D) With respect to 關於
► about
► in respect of
► regarding
► concerning
(A) movable 可移動的
(B) installed 安裝
(C) diversified 多樣化的
(D) problem 問題
(E) aged 老化
(F) planning 計畫
(G) measured 測量
(H) constructing 建構
(I) exact 確切的
(J) deteriorating 惡化
(K) statue 雕像
(L) religious 宗教的
22. Nevertheless, the stone creature does not look like it did 4,000 years ago; wind, water, pollution, and human contact have slowly (E) aged the rock.
文意選填的這題很心機!一定不少人會選擇(J)選項 deteriorating 惡化
文意是對的,但是文法出了問題,這句前面的have 要表達的是現在完成式,代表後面要加的是過去分詞p.p.
而不能使用V-ing的形式,所以要選擇 (E) aged 使老化。
23. They not only want it to look like it did when it was first built but also are looking for ways to keep it from (J) deteriorating more than it has.
如果在22題時上當了,把(J)選項 deteriorating 用掉,那麼在這題考生們必定覺得很頭痛吧!
《補充》 keep sth. from V-ing 讓...免於...
1. 蚊子一旦叮咬過某些傳染病的患者,就可能將病毒傳給其他人。
Once mosquitoes bite some patients with infectious disease, they might transmit viruses to others.
► infectious disease 傳染病
► transmit 傳送、傳
2. 它們在人類中快速散播疾病,造成的死亡遠超乎我們所能想像。
They transmit diseases rapidly among humans, causing death that is beyond our imagination.
►beyond 超乎...、...之上
《補充》beyond question 不容質疑的