Engoo 部落格 英文寫作秘訣

【英文文法】Get ready?60個好用短語讓你學會如何使用"get"

【英文文法】Get ready?60個好用短語讓你學會如何使用"get"









01. I get up at 6 everyday. 我每天早上6點起床。

02. I got home late last night. 我昨天很晚才到家。

03. I always get hungry before noon. 我常常還沒到中午就餓了。

04. It's getting cold. 天氣越來越冷了。

05. I need to get some sleep. 我需要補眠一下。

06. I'm getting ready to go out. 我正準備出門了。

07. I'm getting dressed now. 我正準備梳妝打扮。

08. I got lost. 我迷路了。

09. How do I get to the cafe from here? 我要怎麼樣從這裡到那間咖啡廳?  

10. I'll get it. (電話響了)我來接。

11. Can you get the door? (門鈴響了)你可以幫忙開個門嗎?

12. I'm going to the supermarket. Can I get you anything? 我要去超市,你有什麼需要的嗎?

13. I got really bad headache yesterday. 我昨天嚴重頭痛。

14. I got a cold off my sister. 我被我姊(妹)傳染了感冒。

15. I got over my cold. 我感冒好了。

短語中的"is getting"和"am getting"的用法與"has gotten ~"大同小異,

通常用來表示天氣或是身體狀況,例如: "I'm sleepy"就是中文裡我很睏,想睡覺的意思,

但"I'm getting sleeping"則表示我漸漸感到睏意了的意思。



16. “Did you get it?”你明白了嗎? “Yes, I got it”是的,了解了。

17. What do you mean? I don't get it. 不好意思,我沒搞懂你的意思。

18. I don't get the point. 我不明白你的意思。

19. Sorry, I didn't get what you said. 抱歉,我不明白你的意思。

20. Don't get me wrong. 請不要誤會。

21. Get away from me! 離我遠一點!

22. Get out of here! 滾出去!


此外,為避免別人對你所說的話有所誤解,你可以用“Don't get me wrong, but …”



23. I usually get the train to work. 我都搭火車上班。

24. I got a taxi from the station to the airport. 我從車站搭計程車到機場。

25. I'm getting off at the next station. 我在下一站下車。

26. I got out of the taxi. 我剛下了計程車。

27. I'm sorry I'm late. I got caught in the traffic. 不好意思剛交通太壅擠,所以我遲到了。

28. I couldn't get the car started this morning. 從今天早上我的車就發動不了了。

29. We're getting low on petrol. 我們的油快沒了。



搭乘公車或火車時通常會用get on/off

開車或搭計程車時則是使用get in/out of

若因為交通問題造成行程上的延遲,這時got caught in the traffic就是一個很好用的藉口laugh


30. He got a promotion.他升職了。

31. I got a job as a chef in New York. 我得到了一份在紐約擔任主廚的工作。

32. Can you get it done by Monday? 你可以在星期一前完成嗎?

33. ”Can you do this for me?” “I got it!”你可以幫我這個忙嗎?好的!

34. I'll get someone to help you. 我會找個人幫你。

35 .Let's get started, shall we? 現在開始吧!(通常用於會議中終使用)

36. I'll go get my laptop. 我要去拿我的筆電。

37. I'll go get some lunch. 我去買一下中餐。

38. Let's get back to work. (休息過後)繼續工作吧!

39. I'll get back to you in an hour. 我會在一小時內回覆你。

40. I've got a lot to do. 我有很多事要忙。

41 .I got used to working long hours. 我已經習慣了長時間工作。

42. I don't get along with my boss. 我跟我老闆不合。


當完成一件事情時,也可以用get 〜 done(finished)來表示完成了。

在商務工作上,當指派任何人去完成指定的事情時,可以用"get (人) to do"來表示。


43. Did you get a hair cut? 你剪頭髮了嗎?

44. What time did you get here? 你幾點到達的?

45. Where did you get the dress? 你那件洋裝在哪買的?

46. What did you get for Christmas? 你聖誕節得到什麼禮物?

47. I got my girlfriend a big bunch of flowers on her birthday. 女朋友生日時我送了一大束鮮花給她。

48. How much did you get for your car? 你那台車花多少錢買的?

49. I got a little disappointed with the movie. 我對那部電影有點失望。

50. I'm getting excited about my trip next week. 我很期待下星期的旅行。

51. How did you get to know him? 你怎麼認識他的?

52. She got married last month. 她在上個月結婚了。

53. He got robbed last year. 他在去年被搶劫。

54. He got dumped by his girlfriend but he's getting over it. 他被女友甩,但是現在他已經走出來了。

55. What can I get you? 我要怎麼跟你聯絡?

56. I'll get it. 我買單。

57. I'll get you a drink. 我請你一杯酒。

58. It's getting late. 天色越來越暗了

59. I need to get going soon. 我必須先走了。

60. I gotta go. 我必須先走了。


get here 到這裡了、get there 到那裡了,或者是get home 到家了。

還有種狀況就是當你請別人吃飯,要做買單時,可以用 "I'll get it" 我來買單!

而"I gotta go"裡的"gotta"就是"have to go" 我必須先走了的意思。


