Engoo 部落格 英文寫作秘訣 英文文法

【英文文法】英文轉述句就要這樣學! 你不可不知的文法小重點

【英文文法】英文轉述句就要這樣學! 你不可不知的文法小重點





1. 基本句型:

a. Someone said (that)...

b. Someone told me (that)...


2. 時態變化:

a. Present → Past 現在式 → 過去式

b. Past → Past Perfect 過去式→過去完成式

c. Future → Conditional 未來式→條件句


1. 句型

如果要轉述別人的話,我們可以用 said 和 told 兩個動詞,但是使用上有點不同,

只有 told 後面需要加上受詞,但said後面不能加上受詞。因此轉述的基本句型為:

Someone said (that).../Someone told me (that)...


Jim said that his dog was sick.

Mary told me that you hated spiders.

2. 時態



a. Present → Past 現在式 → 過去式


He said, "I love you."→ He said he loved me.


He said, "I am watching TV."→ He said that he was watching TV.


She said, "I have bought some cookies."→ She said that she had bought some cookies.


She said, “I have been running for three hours.”→ She said that she had been running for three hours.


b. Past → Past Perfect 過去式→過去完成式


He said, “I met a girl.”→ He said that he had met a girl.


He told me, “We had gone to the stadium.”→ He told me that they had gone to the stadium.


He told me, “We were doing our homework .”→ He told me that they had been doing their homework.


3. Future → Conditional 未來式→條件句


She said, “I will call you tomorrow.”→ She said that she would call me tomorrow.


She said, “I will be shopping on Saturday.”→ She said that she would be shopping on Saturday.





Reported Speech I: Reported Speech With Present Tense Reporting Verb

Reported Speech II: Reported Speech With Past Tense Reporting Verb


Oxenden, C. / Latham-koenig, C. / Seligson, P. 2013.American English File 2. Second Edition . Oxford Univ Pr.