Testimonials | Engoo線上英文


I’ve been a full-time mom for literally more than 7 years. I’ve been dedicating myself entirely to my two kids. It goes without saying that my English ability has got a bit rusty. So, I made up my mind last year to brush up my English skills in an attempt to regain confidence. 我當全職媽媽已經整整超過了七年多的時間了,全心全意的照顧著兩個孩子。其實不用說也知道,英文能力自然會隨著時間而退化。於是,去年我就下定決心,要努力重拾自己對英文能力的自信。 But my predicament was that no matter how much I want to practice speaking English, I was always fully occupied by kids and countless house chores. Somehow, they had tied me down. I had no idea where to find an English speaker to practice speaking English. On top of that, I’ve been holding back my enthusiasm for English over the past few years. To overcome these challenges, I desire to make a change. I’m so determined that I know nothing will get in the way of my plan. I desire to put my plan into practice. 但當時我的困境是,無論我多麼的想練習英文口說,總是被孩子和數不清的家務所局限著,也因此無法發揮自己對語言的熱情。我真的不知道該從何開始執行自己的計畫。為了克服這些困境,我極度渴望做出改變。這次我下定決心,沒有任何理由可以再阻礙我的計畫。我渴望將我的計畫付諸實行。

Meanwhile, I realized that no matter how well my English test score is, speaking skills is equally important. So, I’m driven to do anything to enhance my English speaking skills. I’m motivated to become a more fluent English speaker. Ultimately, I aim to pursue a career in teaching English in the future. As everyone knows that opportunity comes to those who are prepared. So, the plan to fulfill my goal officially started last year. 同時,我也體認到無論英文考試成績再高,口說能力也是同等重要的。所以我非常堅定的想要練習英文口說。現在的我有著滿滿的動力,想成為一位更流利的英語口說者,並期許自己將來能有資格從事英語教學的工作。眾所周知,機會是給準備好的人,所以為了做好準備,從去年起即正式地開始付諸實行自己的計畫。 Thankfully, one day last year, one of my friends recommended Engoo to me. It offers online English tutors. That means instead of the travel time to physical class, I can literally practice speaking English anytime online even at home. This is it – the solution I’ve been looking for so long. So, enrolling in Engoo was my first essential step. Since then, I made a fresh start. Practicing speaking English has become my morning routine. I would say it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. 很感恩地,就在去年四月的某一天,我的一位朋友推薦Engoo給我。它提供了線上英語家教。如此一來,我能夠省下到教室的通車時間,在家裡的任何時段就能來練習口說。我終於找到了一個適合自己的學習方式,這就是我一直想要找的。線上學習讓我這個全職媽媽的生活煥然一新,而練習口說儼然成為我每日早晨的例行公事。這真的是我做過最棒的決定之一。 I’ve been practicing speaking English with Engoo for more than 1 year and 4 months since April last year. Honestly, I wish I have known Engoo earlier in my life. It could have made me become a more fluent and confident English speaker. I could have already practiced speaking English about 1 or 2 years ago. I’m really thrilled to see my progress. My fluency and pronunciation have improved significantly. 從去年四月開始每天不間斷地,我在Engoo練習口說的時間已經超過一年四個多月了。老實說,我真的很希望能早點認識Engoo,如此一來,我就能提早多練個一兩年,進步的程度一定更加顯著。經過這段練習的歷程,很開心能感受到自己的進步,無論是流暢度還是發音都有顯著的進步。 Ever since I’ve been taking Engoo’s online course, it’s actually all beyond my expectations. I’ve learned a lot from teachers. I would say it’s not only about learning the language but also more about broadening my horizon. I learned life experience and different cultures from teachers from all around the world. I met teachers from the Philippines, Columbia, Mexico, Brazil and Serbia. They are kind, patient and always love to share their knowledge. 這段學習的歷程,其實真的完全是超過我的預期與想像。在這裡,學習到的不只是語言,更多的是從老師身上學到的人生經驗和知識,這些更加開闊了我的視野。我認識了來自世界各地的老師,像是來自於菲律賓、哥倫比亞、墨西哥、巴西和塞爾維亞等國家。因為她們不同的背景,讓我學習各種文化的不同。老師們都很親切、有耐心,且熱於分享她們所知道的事。 If you’re looking for friendly online English tutor, most of the teachers there are fairly easygoing and dynamic. If you are on a tight budget, it’s the most affordable online learning platform. If you want to learn with a flexible schedule, it offers class 24/7 to adapt to any lifestyle. If you are still struggling with English, look no further, this is it. I highly recommended it. 如果你在尋找好相處的老師,這裡大部分的老師都非常隨和活潑。如果你的預算有限,這裡提供了與同業相比價錢最合理的平台。如果你希望上課的時間彈性,這裡提供了每天24小時的彈性上課時間,讓任何生活型態的人都能輕鬆學習。如果你還在學習英文的過程裡掙扎著,不需要再找了,就是它了!我真心推薦! Teacher Aileen, Aiko, Aleja, Manelyn, Zeta, Aya and Kristine. You all made my day!

Rita Lee

