Testimonials | Engoo線上英文


原本的我不認為英語是必要的。所以我選擇了一家日本大公司做為第一份工作。因此我以為我只需要在日本公司學好日語即可。但是在換了兩次工作後,我發現如果我的英語若能聽好、說好的話,我必定會有更好的工作機會可供選擇,甚至說有海外派駐的機會。而現在的我是負責評估採購高價的量產設備,若我能善用英語與海外廠商進一步對話時,自然對我的工作如虎添翼,且也讓公司能多一些供應商的選項。 最近我加入了Engoo來嘗試打破對海外交流的障礙。Engoo讓我第一次透過視訊與外國人面對面聊天。加入Engoo大家族前,我幾乎試聽了所有的類似服務。但是其他視訊教學公司卻花了太多時間讓他們的銷售員來說服我來進行消費,沒能關心到我個人的視聽體驗。反而是沒有銷售員的Engoo註冊後,讓我隨機地挑選一位老師來上一堂課。我很幸運地先選擇了一位台灣老師。她真是位熱心又友善的老師,短短25分鐘內,她教會我使用Engoo免費文章來提升自己的英語。經過這次試聽後,我便決定加入Engoo 360天每日一課的專案。所以現在的我每天都會挑選了第二天的一堂課來跟老師對談。 在起初的第一個月裏,我上了不同國家老師的課程,但由於菲律賓的文化與台灣較為相似,所以我後來幾乎都選擇菲律賓老師。且在開始上課之前,我會先搜索一些信息來跟老師對談。透過Engoo讓我對外國能有更深的了解。在第二個月裏,我發現我遇到瓶頸了,因為每次對談的內容似乎大同小異。為了進一步提升對談內容,我現在每天都得背些詞彙來加入我的對談內容裏。有時也撰寫些文章,請老師幫忙修正。甚至利用週末時間來製作電影內容的簡報並轉換成PDF格式上傳到Engoo系統裏,這樣一來便能讓老師們能透過張張連續的影像來彼此討論電影情節及感想。我想我持續地嘗試以各種方法來加強與老師間的連結。最後,Engoo確實是我的最正確選擇,每年的我會持續地與Engoo的老師們相約在每天。

I always thought English is not necessary. And I chose a Japan company to work. Even that, I still need to learn Japanese in the Japan company for my work. But after having changed jobs for several times, I find that if I have good English, I must have better jobs to choose and have more chance to be stationed abroad.

My current job is choosing the best machines to buy for mass production and sometimes I need to survey foreign vendors. So I need a good English to discuss with the foreigners. Finally, I joined in Engoo to let me break barriers to foreign communication.

This is my first time chatting with the foreigner directly face to face. Before joining the Engoo family, I have another tutor lessons to choose. But other online tutoring company spent too much time to let their sales persuade me to pay for their plans. And they do not focus on my learning experience in their lessons.

Engoo without sales lets me have one lesson to book for experience, I am lucky to choose a Taiwanese teacher at first. She is a kind and friendly teacher and she taught me how to use Engoo free articles to practice English by myself.

After this experience lesson, I decided to choose a one year plan with one lesson each day to join Engoo. Every day I book a teacher to chat with me. During the first month, I booked different countries’ foreign teacher lessons, but because of the similar culture, I prefer Filipino teachers.

Before starting a lesson, I am used to search some information to chat with teachers later. It lets me know more about foreign.Lately I find out I seems to meet the bottle neck to improve my English. So I try to memorize more vocabulary to add my chatting material and write articles to let teachers correct them. I still try any method to improve my English and I trust Engoo is a right choice for me.


